
Choose the Ultimate Dream Wedding Cake in NYC with These Neat Tips

Once you’ve decided on a cake designer or baker, schedule a tasting and discuss your preferences. If you’re low on cake design ideas, you can always find inspiration from magazines, social media sites (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest, etc.), or simply go for a current cake trend. You’ll be amazed at how a skilled cake designer can efficiently bring your dream wedding cake ideas to life!

Indeed, carefully choosing among numerous bakers of delicious NYC wedding cakes requires “interview sessions”. Ask your prospective baker if they offer services like customization, and if there are pre-set styles to choose from. A showroom or studio of actual cake designs is much better than a photo gallery, because the design elements are better seen with the naked eye. By seeing what the cake designer has to offer, it would become much easier for you to decide on the specific type of cake you want.